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EC-Council 312-39 시험

Certified SOC Analyst (CSA) 온라인 연습

최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년02월13일

당신은 온라인 연습 문제를 통해 EC-Council 312-39 시험지식에 대해 자신이 어떻게 알고 있는지 파악한 후 시험 참가 신청 여부를 결정할 수 있다.

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Question No : 1

Which of the following command is used to view iptables logs on Ubuntu and Debian distributions?

Reference: https://tecadmin.net/enable-logging-in-iptables-on-linux/

Question No : 2

Which of the following fields in Windows logs defines the type of event occurred, such as Correlation Hint, Response Time, SQM, WDI Context, and so on?


Question No : 3

Which of the following tool is used to recover from web application incident?


Question No : 4

Which of the following steps of incident handling and response process focus on limiting the scope and extent of an incident?


Question No : 5

Which of the following process refers to the discarding of the packets at the routing level without informing the source that the data did not reach its intended recipient?

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hole_(networking)#:~:text=In%20networking%2C%20black% 20holes%20refer,not%20reach%20its%20intended%20recipient.

Question No : 6

An organization wants to implement a SIEM deployment architecture. However, they have the capability to do only log collection and the rest of the SIEM functions must be managed by an MSSP.
Which SIEM deployment architecture will the organization adopt?


Question No : 7

An attacker exploits the logic validation mechanisms of an e-commerce website. He successfully purchases a product worth $100 for $10 by modifying the URL exchanged between the client and the server.
Original URL: http://www.buyonline.com/product.aspx?profile=12&debit=100 Modified URL:
Identify the attack depicted in the above scenario.


Question No : 8

The threat intelligence, which will help you, understand adversary intent and make informed decision to ensure appropriate security in alignment with risk.
What kind of threat intelligence described above?

Reference: https://www.blueliv.com/cyber-security-and-cyber-threat-intelligence-blog-blueliv/threat-intelligence/what-is-threat-intelligence/

Question No : 9

Rinni, SOC analyst, while monitoring IDS logs detected events shown in the figure below.

What does this event log indicate?

Reference: https://infosecwriteups.com/what-is-parameter-tampering-5b1beb12c5ba

Question No : 10

According to the Risk Matrix table, what will be the risk level when the probability of an attack is very high, and the impact of that attack is major?
NOTE: It is mandatory to answer the question before proceeding to the next one.


Question No : 11

Which of the log storage method arranges event logs in the form of a circular buffer?

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_buffer

Question No : 12

Bonney's system has been compromised by a gruesome malware.
What is the primary step that is advisable to Bonney in order to contain the malware incident from spreading?


Question No : 13

Sam, a security analyst with INFOSOL INC., while monitoring and analyzing IIS logs, detected an event matching regex /\\w*((\%27)|(\’))((\%6F)|o|(\%4F))((\%72)|r|(\%52))/ix.
What does this event log indicate?

Reference: https://community.broadcom.com/symantecenterprise/communities/community-home/librarydocuments/viewdocument?DocumentKey=001f5e09-88b4-4a9a-b310-4c20578eecf9&CommunityKey=1ecf5f55-9545-44d6-b0f4-4e4a7f5f5e68&tab=librarydocuments

Question No : 14

Ray is a SOC analyst in a company named Queens Tech. One Day, Queens Tech is affected by a DoS/DDoS attack. For the containment of this incident, Ray and his team are trying to provide additional bandwidth to the network devices and increasing the capacity of the servers.
What is Ray and his team doing?


Question No : 15

Which of the following is a report writing tool that will help incident handlers to generate efficient reports on detected incidents during incident response process?


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