Nokia Ethernet Virtual Private Network Services 온라인 연습
최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년01월12일
당신은 온라인 연습 문제를 통해 Nokia 4A0-115 시험지식에 대해 자신이 어떻게 알고 있는지 파악한 후 시험 참가 신청 여부를 결정할 수 있다.
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PE1 uses this BGP update to build the flooding list of the associated service. The update contains an IMET route that indicates that neighbor is participating in a VPLS service with a network identifier of 10.
When forwarding BUM traffic, the local PE does not replicate the traffic and send it as unicast to the advertising neighbor. Instead, the local PE uses an MPLS transport tunnel towards the advertising neighbor and sends the traffic with an MPLS label that indicates the service.
EVPN inclusive multicast Ethernet tag (IMET) routes are used to discover all PEs participating in the same VPIS service. These routes are also used to build the flooding list for BUM traffic.
PE2 advertises a MAC/IP route for MAC1 with a sequence number higher than that received from PE1. This indicates that MAC1 has moved from PE1 to PE2 and triggers a MAC withdrawal message from PE1 to remote PEs. CE1 does not generate an update message to PE1 withdrawing its MAC, nor does PE1 generate an update message to remote PEs identifying the new location of CE11.
Reference: Ethernet Virtual Private Networks (EVPNs)
PE3 does not add an ESI label to packets forwarded to PE1 because PE1 is connected to the same Ethernet segment. PE3 adds an ESI label only to packets forwarded to PEs that are not connected to the same Ethernet segment, such as PE21.
Reference: Ethernet Virtual Private Networks (EVPNs)
In the interface-full model, VPRN instances are interconnected using a supplementary broadcast domain (SBD) VPLS. Intra-subnet traffic is carried over the tunnels provided by the SBD VPLS. The MAC/IP routing information is not used to populate the VPRN routing table at the remote PEs, but rather to populate the FDB of the SBD VPLS2.
Reference: Nokia Ethernet Virtual Private Network Services Course | Nokia
Route targets are not used to uniquely identify routes between EVIs in the case of MAC address overlaps. Route targets are used to control the import and export of routes between different EVIs or VRFs. The service distinguisher (label or VNI) is used to uniquely identify each service1.
Reference: Ethernet Virtual Private Networks (EVPNs)
In the all-active mode, all PEs attached to a CE can forward traffic to and from the CE. This provides load balancing and redundancy for the CE. The CE does not require a LAG to be configured between the CE and all attached PEs1.
Reference: Ethernet Virtual Private Networks (EVPNs)
There are two MAC-VRFs in the exhibit, one for each EVI. A MAC-VRF is a logical entity that contains the MAC forwarding information for a given EVI1.
Reference: Ethernet Virtual Private Networks (EVPNs)