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Adobe 9A0-411 시험

Adobe Analytics Developer ACE 온라인 연습

최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년01월12일

당신은 온라인 연습 문제를 통해 Adobe 9A0-411 시험지식에 대해 자신이 어떻게 알고 있는지 파악한 후 시험 참가 신청 여부를 결정할 수 있다.

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Question No : 1

A developer needs to trigger an Adobe Analytics s.tl() onClick on all buttons across all pages in one of the site dircetories. The developer creates a direct call rule to set the s.tl() for the buttons.
For example:
Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) is currently embedded on all site pages. There is no data layer on the site. The site's IT team is too busy to help the developer.
Why is a direct call rule in inappropriate solution for the problem?


Question No : 2

An Adobe Analytic Developer needs to set s.campaign with the query string value whenever a query string of ?cid=[[value]] is present in the URL. The client does NOT want s.campaign to track duplicate values during the same visit to avoid tracking duplicate clickthroughs.
The developer has developed the following code in AppMeasurement:
s.campaign = s.Util.getQueryParam('cid');
Which line of code should be used to meet the rest of the tracking requirement?


Question No : 3

Clicks on download links are tracked
Which selection of code meets the requirements?


Question No : 4

A developer creates a Page load rule in Adobe Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) that should capture a visitor's transaction ID when a purchase is completed on the site at "http://www.oursite.com/complete.html."
The condition of this page load rule in DTM is as shown:

Assume the "Path" condition of this rule was not present, as seen below

What would be the outcome in the situation?


Question No : 5

A site analyst is using Adobe Analytics reports to review the progress of a recently launched paid search campaign. The paid search keywords report in Adobe Analytics has no data for the current month.
How should this problem be fixed?


Question No : 6

A developer is trying to add product data to an Adobe Analytics call through Dynamic Tag Management (DIM) on a new DTM property. The developer has created a page load rule triggering at the bottom of the page. The site has a legacy Adobe Analytics implementation. A tracker variable name of s2 has been entered in the Adobe Analytics tool configuration.
The developer adds the code below to the rule's Adobe Analytic custom page code:
The Adobe Analytics beacon is not populating the product variable.
What is causing this issue?


Question No : 7

The analytics solution design reference (SDR) for a new deployment notes that eVar1 should contain the value of the page name. While looking at the previous SDR, the developer notices that the previous developer decided to set eVar1 with the hard coded data layer value of "digitalData.pageData.pageName".
The developer needs a condensed image request.
What should the developer do?


Question No : 8

An Adobe Analytics developer needs to track all page clicks Except for "footer" links. Al footer links live within the "div id='footer'" CSS class.
How should CSS be written within an event-based rule to include all links EXCEPT for footer link clicks?


Question No : 9

A site analyst request access to Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) to review variable mappings and code.
How should a site administrator grant only these specific user permissions?


Question No : 10

A developer creates a global page load rate that loads on all page views and uses data elements that are mapped to a page data layer. After initial testing of the rule, the developer notices that the rule does not execute. The developer sees the following error in the browser console: 'data layer is not defined*.
What is causing the error?


Question No : 11

A developer needs to add the broweser referrer value to the page data layer. No developer resources are available to make the change on the page. The developer needs to use DTM to include the page referrer without changing the actual source code.
How should the developer modify the data layer?


Question No : 12

s.pageName is included within the image request of a track link call.
What is the result?


Question No : 13

A developer needs to add a third party tracking pixel to a Site using Adobe Dynamic Tag Management (DTM). This pixel is NOT actually an image request. The pixel uses JavaScript to dynamically send data to the third party tracking vendor. The pixels documentation states thai it must be added to the pages <head> and executed before the <body> begins loading.
What type of rule should the developer use?


Question No : 14

A developer needs an Adobe Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) Event rule so that a custom event can be triggered when the dropdown/select field below has a change in its value:
<select names= "cat" id="cat" class="postform"></select>
What DTM Event type and CSS selector should be applied?


Question No : 15

A developer needs to measure the number of times that a visitor adds a product to their shopping cart on an e-commerce site. The cart add functionality of the result in an error when the visitor pushes the 'Add to Cart' button if a quantity has not been entered.
What type of Dynamic Tag Management rule and condition allows the developer to track cart adds?


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