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AliCloud ACA-BIGDATA1 시험

ACA Big Data Certification Exam 온라인 연습

최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년01월12일

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Question No : 1

If a task node of DataWorks is deleted from the recycle bin, it can still be restored.


Question No : 2

In MaxCompute, you can use Tunnel command line for data upload and download.
Which of the following description of Tunnel command is NOT correct: Score 2


Question No : 3

When we use the MaxCompute tunnel command to upload the log.txt file to the t_log table, the t_log is a partition table and the partitioning column is (p1 string, p2 string).
Which of the following commands is correct?


Question No : 4

There are various methods for accessing to MaxCompute, for example, through management console, client command line, and Java API. Command line tool odpscmd can be used to create, operate, or delete a table in a project. Score 1


Question No : 5

There are three types of node instances in an E-MapReducecluster: master, core, and _____ . Score 2


Question No : 6

There are multiple connection clients for MaxCompute, which of the following is the easiest way to configure workflow and scheduling for MaxCompute tasks? Score 2


Question No : 7

A Log table named log in MaxCompute is a partition table, and the partition key is dt. Anew partition is created daily to store the new data of that day. Now we have one month's data, starting from dt='20180101' to dt='20180131', and we may use ________ to delete the data on 20180101.


Question No : 8

DataV is a powerful yet accessible data visualization tool, which features geographic information systems allowing for rapid interpretation of data to understand relationships, patterns, and trends.
When a DataV screen is ready, it can embed works to the existing portal of the enterprise through ______. Score 2


Question No : 9

DataService Studio in DataWorks aims to build a data service bus to help enterprises centrally manage private and public APIs. DataService Studio allows you to quickly create APIs based on data tables and register existing APIs with the DataService Studio platform for centralized management and release.
Which of the following descriptions about DataService Studio in DataWorks is INCORRECT? Score 2


Question No : 10

Machine Learning Platform for Artificial Intelligence (PAI) node is one of the node types in DataWorks business flow. It is used to call tasks created on PAI and schedule production activities based on the node configuration. PAI nodes can be added to DataWorks only _________. Score 2


Question No : 11

MaxCompute takes Project as a charged unit. The bill is charged according to three aspects: the usage of storage, computing resource, and data download respectively. You pay for compute and
storage resources by the day with no long-term commitments. Score 1


Question No : 12

In order to improve the processing efficiency when using MaxCompute, you can specify the partition when creating a table. That is, several fields in the table are specified as partition columns.
Which of the following descriptions aboutMaxCompute partition table are correct? (Number of correct answers: 4)


Question No : 13

Alibaba Cloud Quick BI reporting tools support a variety of data sources, facilitating users to analyze
and present their data from different data sources. ______ is not supported as a data source yet. Score 2


Question No : 14

Synchronous development in DataWorks provides both wizard and script modes. Score 1


Question No : 15

Which of the following is not proper for granting the permission on a L4 MaxCompute table to a user. (L4 is a level in MaxCompute Label-based security (LabelSecurity), it is a required MaxCompute Access Control (MAC) policy at the project space level. It allows project administrators to control the user access to column-level sensitive data with improved flexibility.) Score 2


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