Adobe Certified Expert - Magento Commerce Developer 온라인 연습
최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년01월12일
당신은 온라인 연습 문제를 통해 Adobe AD0-E703 시험지식에 대해 자신이 어떻게 알고 있는지 파악한 후 시험 참가 신청 여부를 결정할 수 있다.
시험을 100% 합격하고 시험 준비 시간을 35% 절약하기를 바라며 AD0-E703 덤프 (최신 실제 시험 문제)를 사용 선택하여 현재 최신 135개의 시험 문제와 답을 포함하십시오.
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Question No : 1
What order operation is available in the My Account section in the storefront?
Question No : 2
You are trying to determine why a product is not appearing in a category.
What table does Magento on the frontend to locate the relationship between a category and its products?
Question No : 3
You have loaded an instance of Magento\Catalog\Model\Product in the $product variable. You know that the loaded product has the type configurable with four variations. These variations have the prices: $10, $12, $12, $15.
What will be the result of the $product->getFinalPrice() call?
Question No : 4
Assume that $collection is a new instance of a class that extends Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\Collection\AbstractCollection, and $ids is an array of ids.
How do you select a list of records from the database where the record ids are in the $ids list?
Question No : 5
A module declares the route:
What is the layout handle of the storefront path /custom/feature/?
Question No : 6
You are working on a project that contains a million SKUs. The merchant has requested the product view page to have a custom color schema and page layout depending on the product price range.
How do you implement this, keeping simplicity in mind?
You are building a new module to add extra functionality to the Magento application.You want to works with CustomerData the data stored on the client side.
Where initialized sections Cart and Directory-data are on the server side via the classes?
Question No : 8
You have configured an event observer to watch the checkout_submit_all_after event using this XML:
What is the required class definition for the event observer?
Question No : 9
There is a custom extension called MyCompany_MyModule.
It has the following layout customization declared in MyCompany/MyModule/view/frontend/layout/default.xml:
<referenceContainer name=”content”>
<block class=”Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template”
What will be the result of the customization?
Question No : 10
You have created a custom module which must perform an action immediately after an order is placed, but only on the store front of the merchant site. You have selected the checkout_submit_all_after as the target event which the module will observe.
In which file will the event observer be declared?
Question No : 11
In layout files you can change al element’s order on a page.
This can be done using one of the following:
✑ <move> instruction
✑ before and after element attributes?
How are two methods different?
Question No : 12
You are building an tool that imports products from an ERP. There are 20 columns of additional information that are associated with each product. This extra information must also be associated with an update time to know when to refresh the data.
Keeping maintainability in mind, how do you build this into Magento?
Question No : 13
A module MyModule needs to send notifications to customers only when the account was modified from a mobile app using the REST web APIs.
You decided to implement an observer for customer_save_after_data_object event.
In which file do you declare the observer?
Question No : 14
You are reviewing a Magento module and see a directory named Service.
What can you determine from this directory’s name?
Question No : 15
In a code review of a merchant’s site you have discovered that there are multiple observers for the checkout_submit_all_after event. After closer inspection, you notice one of these observers is relying on the others being executed before it is called.
What risk does this pose, and how can it be mitigated?