Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect 온라인 연습
최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년01월12일
당신은 온라인 연습 문제를 통해 Adobe AD0-E704 시험지식에 대해 자신이 어떻게 알고 있는지 파악한 후 시험 참가 신청 여부를 결정할 수 있다.
시험을 100% 합격하고 시험 준비 시간을 35% 절약하기를 바라며 AD0-E704 덤프 (최신 실제 시험 문제)를 사용 선택하여 현재 최신 65개의 시험 문제와 답을 포함하십시오.
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Question No : 1
You want to display customized product list along with it's tier prices.
To render this price which class should be used and which data needs to be provided?
Question No : 2
Suppose, you need to create custom configuration file called search.xml, in the a custommodule under etc/.
Which steps are needed to achieve this?
Question No : 3
Magento can load the configuration file di.xml area-specific. During bootstrapping, each application entry point loads the appropriate di.xml files for the requested area.
Please select the set of correct areas, where this file can be loaded by Magento:
Question No : 4
Suppose there are 3 classes: Class A, B and C. Class C have dependecy of Class A You need to overrride/change an argument of class A, create an object of it and inject in Class B in such a way that it should not affect the class C.
What should be the magento standard way to do this:
A. In module’s etc/di.xml, define virtualType node to override argument and create a subclass of A. Then use type node to pass the subclass A object into class B.
B. In module’s etc/config.xml, define virtualType node to override argument and create a subclass of A. Then use type node to pass the subclass A object into class B.
C. In module’s etc/system.xml, define virtualType node to override argument and create a subclass of A. Then use type node to pass the subclass A object into class B.
D. In module’s etc/menu.xml, define virtualType node to override argument and create a subclass of A. Then use type node to pass the subclass A object into class B.
정답: A
Question No : 5
Consider below example of etc/di.xml: Magento\Filesystem\Adapter\Local Please select correct statement based on shared="false" attribute in the example:
Question No : 6
When your class will be instantiated all the dependencies injected in your class constructor will also get instantiated, and it will trigger a chain reaction of object creation, this can really slow down the process.
What could be the solution of above problem?
Question No : 7
When you reference a factory or proxy in a class constructor, these classes are generated by default inside generated directory, if they are not present in codebase.
Which Magento class is resposible for this?
Question No : 8
Suppose you are working with order collection where you need to get the Customer collection object in foreach loop to check wheather current order's customer accout is locked or not. For this you injected Magento\Customer\Model\Customer $customer in the constructor to use $customer collection object. But in loop when this object is used, you notice that it's returning the same customer even if you pass different customer id to filter the customer collection inside loop.
What is the solution for this problem?
Question No : 9
Suppose you are tasked with update a product price to 10% more and it's cart rule to provide 5% discount after 2 month. So after this timeperiod, product price and cart rule must be activated workign in the frontend for users.
Which Magento feature you should use to do the above task?
Question No : 10
Which of the following task can't be performed using command-line interface in Magento?
Question No : 11
Consider below command: bin/magento dev:theme:create frontend vendor themename Please select correct options based on it (choose 2):
Question No : 12
Suppose you are working on the product edit page of the backend. Whenever admin-user clicks on the save button, you need to check that the product name should contain SKU as well in it.
For this how would you get the product input field element in a variable using uiRegistry?
Question No : 13
Suppose you need to add an admin grid using uiComponent. if page URL ends with banners/index/index, then which basic uiComponent you would use and what should be the page layout file:
Question No : 14
You defined a custom layout file 1column-2footers.xml under /view/frontend/layouts.xml. Now, what is the conventional path to creating the custom layout file 1column-2footers.xml?
Question No : 15
Suppose you need to add a custom css file in layout XML in such a way that it should load asynchronously to improve the page load performance.
What is the correct attribute for this?