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CertNexus CFR-310 시험

CyberSec First Responder 온라인 연습

최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년02월13일

당신은 온라인 연습 문제를 통해 CertNexus CFR-310 시험지식에 대해 자신이 어떻게 알고 있는지 파악한 후 시험 참가 신청 여부를 결정할 수 있다.

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Question No : 1

A user receives an email about an unfamiliar bank transaction, which includes a link. When clicked, the link redirects the user to a web page that looks exactly like their bank’s website and asks them to log in with their username and password.
Which type of attack is this?

Reference: https://www.phishing.org/what-is-phishing

Question No : 2

A suspicious script was found on a sensitive research system. Subsequent analysis determined that proprietary data would have been deleted from both the local server and backup media immediately following a specific administrator’s removal from an employee list that is refreshed each evening.
Which of the following BEST describes this scenario?


Question No : 3

Nmap is a tool most commonly used to:

Reference: https://www.networkworld.com/article/3296740/what-is-nmap-why-you-need-this-network­mapper.html

Question No : 4

During a malware-driven distributed denial of service attack, a security researcher found excessive requests to a name server referring to the same domain name and host name encoded in hexadecimal. The malware author used which type of command and control?

Reference: https://www.csoonline.com/article/3276660/what-is-shodan-the-search-engine-for-everything-on­the-internet.html

Question No : 5

In which of the following attack phases would an attacker use Shodan?

Reference: https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=3bzPDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA41&lpg=PA41&dq=attack+phases+would+an+attacker+use+Shodan&source=bl&ots=phUbfR8BOY&sig=ACfU3U1sg5J67s_sL_Ixpr3OiqdCIraKUw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjazaKCssXpAhUC4YUKHcJ5CVwQ6AEwAXoECBMQAQ#v=onepage&q=attack%20phases%20would %20an%20attacker%20use%20Shodan&f=false

Question No : 6

Malicious code designed to execute in concurrence with a particular event is BEST defined as which of the following?

Reference: https://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/Malware-Glossary

Question No : 7

Which of the following types of attackers would be MOST likely to use multiple zero-day exploits executed against high-value, well-defended targets for the purposes of espionage and sabotage?


Question No : 8

While performing routing maintenance on a Windows Server, a technician notices several unapproved Windows Updates and that remote access software has been installed. The technician suspects that a malicious actor has gained access to the system.
Which of the following steps in the attack process does this activity indicate?


Question No : 9

A security investigator has detected an unauthorized insider reviewing files containing company secrets.
Which of the following commands could the investigator use to determine which files have been opened by this user?

Reference: https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=sxr50IxP27AC&pg=PA49&lpg=PA49&dq=linux+commands+could+the+investigator+use+to+determine+which+files+have+been+opened+by+this+user&source=bl&ots=RUG5bOAhGE&sig=ACfU3U3qv3h4lGh1GQP6mdNLy1RZH­SPDg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiNpPeambbpAhVmx4UKHVt5CeIQ6AEwAHoECBMQAQ#v=onepage&q=linux%20commands%20could%20the%20investigator%20use%20to%20determine%20which%20files% 20have%20been%20opened%20by%20this%20user&f=false

Question No : 10

An administrator believes that a system on VLAN 12 is Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) poisoning clients on the network. The administrator attaches a system to VLAN 12 and uses Wireshark to capture traffic. After reviewing the capture file, the administrator finds no evidence of ARP poisoning.
Which of the following actions should the administrator take next?

Reference: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/ethical_hacking/ethical_hacking_arp_poisoning.htm

Question No : 11

A network administrator has determined that network performance has degraded due to excessive use of social media and Internet streaming services.
Which of the following would be effective for limiting access to these types of services, without completely restricting access to a site?

Reference: https://umbrella.cisco.com/solutions/web-content-filtering

Question No : 12

An incident responder was asked to analyze malicious traffic.
Which of the following tools would be BEST for this?

Reference: https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/category/certifications-training/network-traffic-analysis-for­incident-response/threat-intelligence-collection-and-analysis/analyzing-fileless-malware/#gref

Question No : 13

An organization recently suffered a breach due to a human resources administrator emailing employee names and Social Security numbers to a distribution list.
Which of the following tools would help mitigate this risk from recurring?


Question No : 14

A web server is under a denial of service (DoS) attack. The administrator reviews logs and creates an access control list (ACL) to stop the attack.
Which of the following technologies could perform these steps automatically in the future?

Reference: https://www.ciscopress.com/articles/article.asp?p=345618

Question No : 15

Which of the following does the command nmap Copen do?


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