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Certified Information Privacy Professional/ Canada (CIPP/C) 온라인 연습

최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년02월13일

당신은 온라인 연습 문제를 통해 IAPP CIPP-C 시험지식에 대해 자신이 어떻게 알고 있는지 파악한 후 시험 참가 신청 여부를 결정할 수 있다.

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Question No : 1

In which situation would a policy of “no consumer choice” or “no option” be expected?

Reference: https://privacyproficient.com/what-is-no-option-or-no-consumer-choice/

Question No : 2

Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION:
Matt went into his son’s bedroom one evening and found him stretched out on his bed typing on his laptop. “Doing your network?” Matt asked hopefully.
“No,” the boy said. “I’m filling out a survey.”
Matt looked over his son’s shoulder at his computer screen. “What kind of survey?” “It’s asking Questions about my opinions.”
“Let me see,” Matt said, and began reading the list of Questions that his son had already answered. “It’s asking your opinions about the government and citizenship. That’s a little odd. You’re only ten.”
Matt wondered how the web link to the survey had ended up in his son’s email inbox. Thinking the message might have been sent to his son by mistake he opened it and read it. It had come from an entity called the Leadership Project, and the content and the graphics indicated that it was intended for children. As Matt read further he learned that kids who took the survey were automatically registered in a contest to win the first book in a series about famous leaders.
To Matt, this clearly seemed like a marketing ploy to solicit goods and services to children. He asked his son if he had been prompted to give information about himself in order to take the survey. His son told him he had been asked to give his name, address, telephone number, and date of birth, and to answer Questions about his favorite games and toys.
Matt was concerned. He doubted if it was legal for the marketer to collect information from his son in the way that it was. Then he noticed several other commercial emails from marketers advertising products for children in his son’s inbox, and he decided it was time to report the incident to the proper authorities.
Based on the incident, the FTC’s enforcement actions against the marketer would most likely include what violation?

Reference: https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/2012-31341.pdf

Question No : 3

Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION:
Larry has become increasingly dissatisfied with his telemarketing position at SunriseLynx, and particularly with his supervisor, Evan. Just last week, he overheard Evan mocking the state’s Do Not Call list, as well as the people on it. “If they were really serious about not being bothered,” Evan said, “They’d be on the national DNC list. That’s the only one we’re required to follow. At SunriseLynx, we call until they ask us not to.”
Bizarrely, Evan requires telemarketers to keep records of recipients who ask them to call “another time.” This, to Larry, is a clear indication that they don’t want to be called at all. Evan doesn’t see it that way.
Larry believes that Evan’s arrogance also affects the way he treats employees. The U.S. Constitution protects American workers, and Larry believes that the rights of those at SunriseLynx are violated regularly. At first Evan seemed friendly, even connecting with employees on social media. However, following Evan’s political posts, it became clear to Larry that employees with similar affiliations were the only ones offered promotions.
Further, Larry occasionally has packages containing personal-use items mailed to work. Several times, these have come to him already opened, even though this name was clearly marked. Larry thinks the opening of personal mail is common at SunriseLynx, and that Fourth Amendment rights are being trampled under Evan’s leadership.
Larry has also been dismayed to overhear discussions about his coworker, Sadie. Telemarketing calls are regularly recorded for quality assurance, and although Sadie is always professional during business, her personal conversations sometimes contain sexual comments. This too is something Larry has heard Evan laughing about. When he mentioned this to a coworker, his concern was met with a shrug. It was the coworker’s belief that employees agreed to be monitored when they signed on. Although personal devices are left alone, phone calls, emails and browsing histories are all subject to surveillance. In fact, Larry knows of one case in which an employee was fired after an undercover investigation by an outside firm turned up evidence of misconduct. Although the employee may have stolen from the company, Evan could have simply contacted the authorities when he first suspected something amiss.
Larry wants to take action, but is uncertain how to proceed.
Which act would authorize Evan’s undercover investigation?


Question No : 4

Based on the 2012 Federal Trade Commission report “Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change”, which of the following directives is most important for businesses?

Reference: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-112shrg71313/html/CHRG-112shrg71313.htm

Question No : 5

Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION:
You are the chief privacy officer at HealthCo, a major hospital in a large U.S. city in state A. HealthCo is a HIPAA-covered entity that provides healthcare services to more than 100,000 patients. A third-party cloud computing service provider, CloudHealth, stores and manages the electronic protected health information (ePHI) of these individuals on behalf of HealthCo. CloudHealth stores the data in state B. As part of HealthCo’s business associate agreement (BAA) with CloudHealth, HealthCo requires CloudHealth to implement security measures, including industry standard encryption practices, to adequately protect the data. However, HealthCo did not perform due diligence on CloudHealth before entering the contract, and has not conducted audits of CloudHealth’s security measures.
A CloudHealth employee has recently become the victim of a phishing attack. When the employee unintentionally clicked on a link from a suspicious email, the PHI of more than 10,000 HealthCo patients was compromised. It has since been published online. The HealthCo cybersecurity team quickly identifies the perpetrator as a known hacker who has launched similar attacks on other hospitals C ones that exposed the PHI of public figures including celebrities and politicians.
During the course of its investigation, HealthCo discovers that CloudHealth has not encrypted the PHI in accordance with the terms of its contract. In addition, CloudHealth has not provided privacy or security training to its employees. Law enforcement has requested that HealthCo provide its investigative report of the breach and a copy of the PHI of the individuals affected.
A patient affected by the breach then sues HealthCo, claiming that the company did not adequately protect the individual’s ePHI, and that he has suffered substantial harm as a result of the exposed data. The patient’s attorney has submitted a discovery request for the ePHI exposed in the breach.
What is the most significant reason that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) might impose a penalty on HealthCo?
A. Because HealthCo did not require CloudHealth to implement appropriate physical and administrative measures to safeguard the ePHI
B. Because HealthCo did not conduct due diligence to verify or monitor CloudHealth’s security measures
C. Because HIPAA requires the imposition of a fine if a data breach of this magnitude has
D. Because CloudHealth violated its contract with HealthCo by not encrypting the ePHI

정답: B

Question No : 6

Who has rulemaking authority for the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA)?

Reference: https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/statutes/fair-accurate-credit-transactions-act-2003

Question No : 7

What role does the U.S. Constitution play in the area of workplace privacy?


Question No : 8

What is the most important action an organization can take to comply with the FTC position on retroactive changes to a privacy policy?

Reference: https://iapp.org/news/a/what-does-the-ccpas-purpose-limitation-mean-for-businesses/

Question No : 9

What privacy concept grants a consumer the right to view and correct errors on his or her credit report?


Question No : 10

What is an exception to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 ban on interception of wire, oral and electronic communications?

Reference: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/computer-science/electronic-communications-privacy-act

Question No : 11

Which jurisdiction must courts have in order to hear a particular case?

Reference: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:kG3AN4srIh8J:https://www.shsu.edu/~klett/chapter%25202%2520bl281%2520judicial%2520review%2520new.htm+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=pk&client=firefox-b-e

Question No : 12

Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION
Matt went into his son’s bedroom one evening and found him stretched out on his bed typing on his laptop. “Doing your homework?” Matt asked hopefully.
“No,” the boy said. “I’m filling out a survey.”
Matt looked over his son’s shoulder at his computer screen. “What kind of survey?” “It’s asking QUESTION NO:s about my opinions.”
“Let me see,” Matt said, and began reading the list of QUESTION NO:s that his son had already answered. “It’s asking your opinions about the government and citizenship. That’s a little odd. You’re only ten.”
Matt wondered how the web link to the survey had ended up in his son’s email inbox. Thinking the message might have been sent to his son by mistake he opened it and read it. It had come from an entity called the Leadership Project, and the content and the graphics indicated that it was intended for children. As Matt read further he learned that kids who took the survey were automatically registered in a contest to win the first book in a series about famous leaders.
To Matt, this clearly seemed like a marketing ploy to solicit goods and services to children. He asked his son if he had been prompted to give information about himself in order to take the survey. His son told him he had been asked to give his name, address, telephone number, and date of birth, and to answer QUESTION NO:s about his favorite games and toys.
Matt was concerned. He doubted if it was legal for the marketer to collect information from his son in the way that it was. Then he noticed several other commercial emails from marketers advertising products for children in his son’s inbox, and he decided it was time to report the incident to the proper authorities.
Depending on where Matt lives, the marketer could be prosecuted for violating which of the following?


Question No : 13

Which of the following types of information would an organization generally NOT be required to disclose to law enforcement?


Question No : 14

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires schools to do all of the following EXCEPT?

Reference: https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/pdf/ferpa-disaster-guidance.pdf

Question No : 15

Which law provides employee benefits, but often mandates the collection of medical information?

Reference: https://www.dph.illinois.gov/covid19/community-guidance/workplace-health-and-safety-guidance/ employee-employer-rights-and-safety

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