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WatchGuard Essentials 시험

Fireware Essentials Exam 온라인 연습

최종 업데이트 시간: 2024년12월17일

당신은 온라인 연습 문제를 통해 WatchGuard Essentials 시험지식에 대해 자신이 어떻게 알고 있는지 파악한 후 시험 참가 신청 여부를 결정할 수 있다.

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Question No : 1

Which WatchGuard tools can you use to review the log messages generated by your Firebox? (Select three).


Question No : 2

While troubleshooting a branch office VPN tunnel, you see this log message:
2014-07-23 12:29:15 iked (<-> Peer proposes phase one encryption 3DES, expecting AES
What settings could you modify in the local device configuration to resolve this issue? (Select one.)

The WatchGuard BOVPN settings error in this example states phase one encryption. Only the BOVPN Gateway settings can specify phase one settings. BOVPN Tunnel settings specify phase 2 settings.

Question No : 3

You have a privately addressed email server behind your Firebox.
If you want to make sure that all traffic from this server to the Internet appears to come from the public IP address, regardless of policies, which from of NAT would you use? (Select one.)


Question No : 4

Your company denies downloads of executable files from all websites.
What can you do to allow users on the network to download executable files from the company’s remote website? (Select one.)


Question No : 5

You can configure your Firebox to automatically redirect users to the Authentication Portal page.


Question No : 6

You can use Firebox-DB authentication with any type of Mobile VPN.


Question No : 7

An email newsletter about sales from an external company is sometimes blocked by spamBlocker.
What option could you choose to make sure the newsletter is delivered to your users? (Select one.)


Question No : 8

To enable remote devices to send log messages to Dimension through the gateway Firebox, what must you verify is included in your gateway Firebox configuration? (Select one.)


Question No : 9

In the network configuration in this image, which aliases is Eth2 a member of? (Select three.)


Question No : 10

Which of these threats can the Firebox prevent with the default packet handling settings? (Select four.)


Question No : 11

Match each WatchGuard Subscription Service with its function:


Spam Blocker
Gateway / Antivirus
APT Blocker
Application Control
Quarantee Server
Intrusion Prevention Server IPS
Data Loss Prvention DLP
Reputation Enable Defense RED

Question No : 12

Users on the trusted network cannot browse Internet websites.

Based on the configuration shown in this image, what could be the problem with this policy configuration? (Select one.)


Question No : 13

From the Firebox System Manager >Authentication List tab, you can view all of the authenticated users connected to your Firebox and disconnect any of them.


Question No : 14

Which takes precedence: WebBlocker category match or a WebBlocker exception?


Question No : 15

You configured four Device Administrator user accounts for your Firebox.
To see a report of witch Device Management users have made changes to the device configuration, what must you do? (Select two.)


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