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Hitachi HCE-5920 시험

Hitachi Vantara Certified Specialist - Pentaho Data Integration Implementation 온라인 연습

최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년01월12일

당신은 온라인 연습 문제를 통해 Hitachi HCE-5920 시험지식에 대해 자신이 어떻게 알고 있는지 파악한 후 시험 참가 신청 여부를 결정할 수 있다.

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Question No : 1

You have instated the Pentaho server using an archive installation. You now want to change the server port.
Which file do you modify?

Follow the instructions below to change the port through which the Pentaho Server runs:
✑ Stop the Pentaho Server.
✑ Navigate to the /pentaho-server/tomcat/conf/ directory.
✑ Open the server.xml file with any text editor, and search for the value for Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector.
Change the port number in the connector port element below from 8080 to your preferred portnumber.

Question No : 2

You are connecting to a secure Hadoopclusterfrom Pentaho and want to use impersonation.
Which Pentaho tool should you use?


Question No : 3

You have multiple transformations that read and process data from multiple text files. You identity a series of steps that are common across transformations and you want to re-use them to avoid duplication of code.
How do you accomplish this?


Question No : 4

you want to make a dynamic PDI transformation that is driven with variables that areloaded from a properties file.
Which free form text fields within a step can be configured with variables?


Question No : 5

You want to manage a slowly changing dimension as type II.
Which step in PDI should you use to accomplish this task.


Question No : 6

A customer's transformation Is running slowly in a lest environment. You have access to Spoon and you can run and monitor the job.
How do you troubleshoot this problem?


Question No : 7

A client is developing a Web application to implement a wizard-like application used by many users. At several pointsin the workflow, the application needs to execute jobs and transformations that are stored in the Pentaho server. Execution will include user-specific parameters. Upon completion of the job or transformation, the Web application will continue to the next UI page.
What is the recommended approach to accomplish this task?

https://help.hitachivantara.com/Documentation/Pentaho/8.2/Products/Data_Integration/Co mmand_Line_Tools

Question No : 8

You have a PDI input step that generates data within a transformation.
Which two statements are true about downstream steps in this scenario? (Choose two.)


Question No : 9

You need to design a PDI job that will execute a transformation andthen send an e-mail with an attached log of the transformation’s execution.
Which two sets of actions will accomplish this task? (Choose two.)


Question No : 10

In a PDI transformation you are retrieving data from a large lookup table using a Database Lookup step from improve performance, you enable caching in the stepand use the Load all data from table option.
In this scenario, which three statement s are correct about the data flow of the ‘Database Lookup step? (Choose three.)


Question No : 11

Which two statements are correct about the Repository Explorer? (Choose two.)


Question No : 12

What are two ways to schedule a PDI job stored in the repository? (Choose two.)

https://help.hitachivantara.com/Documentation/Pentaho/8.1/Products/Data_Integration/Sch edule_Perspective#:~:text=or%20kitchen%20commands.-,Schedule%20a%20Transformation%20or%20Job,The%20Schedule%20window%20appe ars.

Question No : 13

You have slow-running steps in a PDI transformation and you notice that it is taking a long time for subsequent steps to get data and begin processing.
Which action will help solve the problem?


Question No : 14

You are encryption your database connection password to use in the kettle. properties file.
The output of the encr script is: Encrypted XYZABC123
In this scenario, which syntax is correct?


Question No : 15

You need to load data from many CSV files into a database and you want to minimize the number of PDI jobs and transformations that need to be maintained.
In which two scenarios is Metadata injection the recommend option? (Choose two.)


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