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Salesforce JavaScript Developer I 시험

Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I (WI21) 온라인 연습

최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년02월13일

당신은 온라인 연습 문제를 통해 Salesforce JavaScript Developer I 시험지식에 대해 자신이 어떻게 알고 있는지 파악한 후 시험 참가 신청 여부를 결정할 수 있다.

시험을 100% 합격하고 시험 준비 시간을 35% 절약하기를 바라며 JavaScript Developer I 덤프 (최신 실제 시험 문제)를 사용 선택하여 현재 최신 144개의 시험 문제와 답을 포함하십시오.

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Question No : 1

A developer has a web server running with Node.js. The command to start the web server is node server.js. The web server started having latency issues. Instead of a one second turnaround for web requests, the developer now sees a five second turnaround.
Which command can the web developer run to see what the module is doing during the latency period?


Question No : 2

developer is trying to convince management that their team will benefit from using Node.js for a backend server that they are going to create. The server will be a web server that handles API requests from a website that the team has already built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Which three benefits of Node.js can the developer use to persuade their manager? Choose 3 answers:


Question No : 3

Refer to the code below?
Let searchString = ‘ look for this ’;
Which two options remove the whitespace from the beginning of searchString? Choose 2 answers


Question No : 4

A developer wants to create an object from a function in the browser using the code below:
Function Monster() { this.name = ‘hello’ };
Const z = Monster();
What happens due to lack of the new keyword on line 02?


Question No : 5

A developer has a formatName function that takes two arguments, firstName and lastName and returns a string. They want to schedule the function to run once after five seconds.
What is the correct syntax to schedule this function?


Question No : 6

A developer has code that calculates a restaurant bill, but generates incorrect answers while testing the code:
function calculateBill ( items ) {
let total = 0;
total += findSubTotal(items);
total += addTax(total);
total += addTip(total);
return total;
Which option allows the developer to step into each function execution within calculateBill?


Question No : 7

Given the following code:
document.body.addEventListener(‘ click ’, (event) => {
console.log(‘button clicked!’);
Which replacement for the conditional statement on line 02 allows a developer to correctly determine that a button on page is clicked?


Question No : 8

Refer to the code below:
Let textValue = ’1984’;
Which code assignment shows a correct way to convert this string to an integer?


Question No : 9

Which three statements are true about promises? Choose 3 answers


Question No : 10

Refer to the code below:
let sayHello = () => {
console.log (‘Hello, world!’);
Which code executes sayHello once, two minutes from now?


Question No : 11

A developer wants to iterate through an array of objects and count the objects and count the objects whose property value, name, starts with the letter N.
Const arrObj = [{“name” : “Zach”} , {“name” : “Kate”},{“name” : “Alise”},{“name” :
“Bob”},{“name” :
“Natham”},{“name” : “nathaniel”}
Refer to the code snippet below:
01 arrObj.reduce(( acc, curr) => {
02 //missing line 02
02 //missing line 03
04 ). 0);
Which missing lines 02 and 03 return the correct count?


Question No : 12

A developer wants to define a function log to be used a few times on a single-file JavaScript script.
01 // Line 1 replacement
02 console.log('"LOG:', logInput);
03 }
Which two options can correctly replace line 01 and declare the function for use? Choose 2 answers


Question No : 13

Why would a developer specify a package.jason as a developed forge instead of a dependency?


Question No : 14

Refer to the code below:

After running this code, which result is displayed on the console?


Question No : 15

developer has a web server running with Node.js. The command to start the web server is node server,js. The web server started having latency issues. Instead of a one second turn around for web requests, the developer now sees a five second turnaround,
Which command can the web developer run to see what the module is doing during the latency period?


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