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Google LookML-Developer 시험

Looker LookML Developer Exam 온라인 연습

최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년01월12일

당신은 온라인 연습 문제를 통해 Google LookML-Developer 시험지식에 대해 자신이 어떻게 알고 있는지 파악한 후 시험 참가 신청 여부를 결정할 수 있다.

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Question No : 1

Users have built a popular dashboard and want to have change management built in for any edits made to the dashboard. The developer sets up version control for the model on which the dashboard isbased.
What should the developer build to meet the business requirement?

Reference: https://docs.looker.com/dashboards/creating-lookml-dashboards

Question No : 2

Users report that the main dashboard has been slow toshow results.
Which two options should the developer evaluate to improve dashboard performance? (Choose two.)

Reference: https://help.looker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038233334-Considerations-When-Building-Performant-Looker-Dashboards

Question No : 3

A LookML developer is creating a new view with 20 dimensions in Development Mode using the Create View fromTable functionality. Now users want the developer to add only four dimensions from this new view to an existing Explore.
What can the developer add to the Explore to limit the number of fields from the view that are accessible to the user in the Explore?

Reference: https://docs.looker.com/reference/view-params/view

Question No : 4

A developer creates a derived table and wants to add persistence to it. Because the table is not used on a frequent basis, the developer wants thetable to be cached for 12 hours, but only when a user has queried it.
Which persistence parameter should be added to the derived table’s definition in order to satisfy this use case?

Reference: https://docs.looker.com/data-modeling/learning-lookml/caching

Question No : 5

Users must be able to click on the Country field in their Explore and be redirected to another Explore that shows all countries compared.
Which parameter should be added to the country dimension to create a connection to this other associated Explore?

Reference: https://docs.looker.com/setup-and-management/connecting-to-db

Question No : 6

A user is seeing an error in the Explore that indicates the primary key defined for a one- million-row table is not unique.
How can the developer use SQL Runner to troubleshoot quickly?

Reference: https://help.looker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037732513-Error-Non-Unique-value-primary-key-or-sql-distinct-key-value-overflow-or-collision-when-computing-sum

Question No : 7

A developer is building an e-commerce Explore with the following datasets: orders and users. The business user needs to be able to answer questions about sellers and buyers within the same Explore. Each order in the orders table reports a buyer and seller ID. The users table has the detailed information about the individual buyer and seller.
How should the Explore be defined to meet this requirement?





Question No : 8

A developer defines the following measure in the order_items view:

The code must validate without errors.
Which action should thedeveloper take?


Question No : 9

A developer has User Specific Time Zones enabled fora Looker instance, but wants to ensure that queries run in Looker are as performant as they can be. The developer wants to add a datatype: date parameter to all dimension_group definitions without time data in a table-based view, so that time conversions don’t occur for these fields.
How can the developer determine to which fields this parameter should be applied through SQL Runner?

Reference: https://community.looker.com/technical-tips-tricks-1021/how-looker-does-timezones-and-how-to-troubleshoot-them-25477

Question No : 10

A developer needs to model out LookML to convert existing reports into Looker.
The existing reports are:
Report 1: A report with order and order_items data, which finds the order with the largest total value of the order_item prices.
Report 2: A report with order and order_items data, which finds the order with the largest total number of products ordered.
Report 3: A report with data on every product, whether or not it has been ordered.
Each database table used is updated in real time as orders are made.
How should the developer construct an Explore using the order_items view as the base view?


Question No : 11

A user reports that, when a date dimension is filtered to “before now” results are returned that consistently include tomorrow. Dimension fill has been ruled out as a cause of the issue.
Which LookML parameter should be used to resolve this issue?


Question No : 12

A developer wants tocreate a measure that shows the item count broken out by category. When a second, more granular dimension is added to the same query, the count broken out by category should still represent the original aggregation and be duplicated on each line. The business wants this “count” in “category” available in the Explore section without any additional work done by the end user.
For example:
The Count column represents the count for each combination of Category and Item.
The Count in Category column represents the count for each Category only.

How can the developer address this need with a LookML object?


Question No : 13

A LookML developer builds a view that contains sensitive information. Only members of the Management group should have access to the view. The developer needs to restrict the view from appearing in the field picker for any Explore where it might be joined for users outside of the Management group.
Which LookML parameter should the developer use to meet this requirement?

Reference: https://docs.looker.com/admin-options/tutorials/permissions

Question No : 14

A user needs to create a report that shows a count of all orders and of orders over $100.
Which solution should the developer implement to meet these requirements?


Question No : 15

The code below shows a vieworder_items with its measures total_revenue and user_count

Which code correctly represents a new measure that calculates average revenue per user?





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