MuleSoft Certified Developer - Level 1 (Mule 4) 온라인 연습
최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년02월09일
당신은 온라인 연습 문제를 통해 Mulesoft MCD-Level 1 시험지식에 대해 자신이 어떻게 알고 있는지 파악한 후 시험 참가 신청 여부를 결정할 수 있다.
시험을 100% 합격하고 시험 준비 시간을 35% 절약하기를 바라며 MCD-Level 1 덤프 (최신 실제 시험 문제)를 사용 선택하여 현재 최신 59개의 시험 문제와 답을 포함하십시오.
Correct answer is 200.1234 as String {format: ".0#"} . Rest all options are not syntactically correct.
정답: D
Lets understand this solution step by step.
1) Batch Step (Less than 50)
Accept expression for this batch step is less than 50. Hence elements which will go in this batch step are amount value 40 and 2. Hence output of logger in first batch step is
2) Batch Step (Greater than 20)
Accept condition for this batch step is greater than 20. Note that input amount values for this batch step are 100, 140 and 102 (last two values have been updated in batch step less than 50)
As all values satisfy this condition out put of second logger is
Hence correct answer to this question is
Correct answer is Change the method attributes value to "POST".
It can be fixed in either of the two ways as below.
1) Changing method attribute to POST in ClientRequestFlow
2) Setting allowedMethods as PUT in ShippingFlow (but doesn't fit as question mentions about changing ClientRequestFlow)
정답: A
For such questions always look for Syntax:
I call it "Wrap the Map"
When mapping array elements (JSON or JAVA) to XML, wrap the map operations in {(..)} -{ } are defining the object
-( ) are transforming each element in the array as a key/value pair
정답: A
Correct answer is as below. In this case address will be stored in a variable. Hence payload will not be overwritten and will contain order details {
orderkey: "payload.order",
addresskey: "vars.address"
Correct answer is A global element
Global error handlers are to be created in global element .
Quick note to remember here is Global error handlers come in to picture only when there are no error handlers specified as flow level.
Steps to create Global error handler
1) Click Global Elements to open Global Configuration Elements. Global Elements is located below the Studio canvas
2) In Global Configuration Elements, click Create to open the Choose Global Type dialog
Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message
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3) From the dialog, select Global Configuration - Configuration, and then click OK to open the Configuration dialog.
Graphical user interface, text, application, email
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4) From the select Configuration dialog, select allErrorHandler for the Default Error Handler field, and click OK.
Only one of the routes in the Choice router executes, meaning that the first expression that evaluates to true triggers that route1 execution and the others are not checked. If none of the expressions are true, then the default route executes. Hence only Route1 will be executed as it is the first expression. hence output of logger is Route1.
MuleSoft Doc Ref: The Choice router dynamically routes messages through a flow according to a set of DataWeave expressions that evaluate message content. Each expression is associated with a different routing option. The effect is to add conditional processing to a flow, similar to an if/then/else code block in most programming languages.
Only one of the routes in the Choice router executes, meaning that the first expression that evaluates to true triggers that route’s execution and the others are not checked. If none of the expressions are true, then the default route executes.
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Entire event would be sent to each route in parallel.
Scatter-Gather works as follows:
- The Scatter-Gather component receives a Mule event and sends a reference of this Mule event to each processing route.
- Each of the processing routes starts executing in parallel. After all processors inside a route finish processing, the route returns a Mule event, which can be either the same Mule event without modifications or a new Mule event created by the processors in the route as a result of the modifications applied.
- After all processing routes have finished execution, the Scatter-Gather component creates a new Mule event that combines all resulting Mule events from each route, and then passes the new Mule event to the next component in the flow.
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Correct answer is Nothing needs to be changed in the other APIs or their associated applications
This is the benefit of having separate interface layer. As there are no changes to interface, no changes are required on the API's which consumes this API in context
Transform Message Add write_date is coverting payload in JSON format and same JSON payload is avaialble to file write processor. However, if the payload is a different format (for example, not CSV), you can place the transformation inside the Write operation to generate content that will be written without producing a side effect on the message in transit. This is not done in this case. By default, the connector writes whatever is in the message payload. Hence JSON payload will be written to file.
1) A web client submits the request to the HTTP Listener.
2) The HTTP Request throws an "HTTP: NOT_FOUND" error, execution halts.
3) The On Error Propagate error Handler handles the error. In this case, HTTP: NOT_FOUND error is mapped to custom error APP: API_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND. This error processor sets payload to APP: API_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.
4) “APP: API_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND. ” is the error message returned to the requestor in the body of the HTTP request with HTTP Status Code: 500
Reference Diagram:
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APIKIt Creates a separate flow for each HTTP method
Correct answer is Attributes.
Query parameters, URI parameters and headers are some of examples which are part of attributes.
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