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Splunk SPLK-4001 시험

Splunk O11y Cloud Certified Metrics User Exam 온라인 연습

최종 업데이트 시간: 2025년03월02일

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Question No : 1

Which of the following are true about organization metrics? (select all that apply)

The correct answer is A, C, and D. Organization metrics give insights into system usage, system limits, data ingested and token quotas. Organization metrics are included for free. A user can plot and alert on them like metrics they send to Splunk Observability Cloud.
Organization metrics are a set of metrics that Splunk Observability Cloud provides to help you measure your organization’s usage of the platform.
They include metrics such as:
Ingest metrics: Measure the data you’re sending to Infrastructure Monitoring, such as the number of data points you’ve sent.
App usage metrics: Measure your use of application features, such as the number of dashboards in your organization.
Integration metrics: Measure your use of cloud services integrated with your organization, such as
the number of calls to the AWS CloudWatch API.
Resource metrics: Measure your use of resources that you can specify limits for, such as the number of custom metric time series (MTS) you’ve created1
Organization metrics are not charged and do not count against any system limits. You can view them in built-in charts on the Organization Overview page or in custom charts using the Metric Finder. You can also create alerts based on organization metrics to monitor your usage and performance1
To learn more about how to use organization metrics in Splunk Observability Cloud, you can refer to this documentation1.
1: https://docs.splunk.com/observability/admin/org-metrics.html

Question No : 2

With exceptions for transformations or timeshifts, at what resolution do detectors operate?

According to the Splunk Observability Cloud documentation1, detectors operate at the native resolution of the metric or dimension that they monitor, with some exceptions for transformations or timeshifts. The native resolution is the frequency at which the data points are reported by the source. For example, if a metric is reported every 10 seconds, the detector will evaluate the metric every 10 seconds. The native resolution ensures that the detector uses the most granular and accurate data available for alerting.

Question No : 3

The alert recipients tab specifies where notification messages should be sent when alerts are triggered or cleared.
Which of the below options can be used? (select all that apply)

The alert recipients tab specifies where notification messages should be sent when alerts are triggered or cleared.
The options that can be used are:
Invoke a webhook URL. This option allows you to send a HTTP POST request to a custom URL that can perform various actions based on the alert information. For example, you can use a webhook to create a ticket in a service desk system, post a message to a chat channel, or trigger another workflow1
Send an SMS message. This option allows you to send a text message to one or more phone numbers when an alert is triggered or cleared. You can customize the message content and format using variables and templates2
Send to email addresses. This option allows you to send an email notification to one or more recipients when an alert is triggered or cleared. You can customize the email subject, body, and attachments using variables and templates. You can also include information from search results, the search job, and alert triggering in the email3
Therefore, the correct answer is A, C, and D.
1: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Alert/Webhooks 2: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Alert/SMSnotification 3: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Alert/Emailnotification

Question No : 4

A customer has a large population of servers. They want to identify the servers where utilization has increased the most since last week.
Which analytics function is needed to achieve this?

The correct answer is
C. Timeshift.
According to the Splunk Observability Cloud documentation1, timeshift is an analytic function that allows you to compare the current value of a metric with its value at a previous time interval, such as an hour ago or a week ago. You can use the timeshift function to measure the change in a metric over time and identify trends, anomalies, or patterns. For example, to identify the servers where utilization has increased the most since last week, you can use the following SignalFlow code: timeshift(1w, counters(“server.utilization”))
This will return the value of the server.utilization counter metric for each server one week ago. You can then subtract this value from the current value of the same metric to get the difference in utilization. You can also use a chart to visualize the results and sort them by the highest difference in utilization.

Question No : 5

What information is needed to create a detector?

According to the Splunk Observability Cloud documentation1, to create a detector, you need the following information:
Alert Signal: This is the metric or dimension that you want to monitor and alert on. You can select a signal from a chart or a dashboard, or enter a SignalFlow query to define the signal.
Alert Condition: This is the criteria that determines when an alert is triggered or cleared. You can choose from various built-in alert conditions, such as static threshold, dynamic threshold, outlier, missing data, and so on. You can also specify the severity level and the trigger sensitivity for each alert condition.
Alert Settings: This is the configuration that determines how the detector behaves and interacts with other detectors. You can set the detector name, description, resolution, run lag, max delay, and detector rules. You can also enable or disable the detector, and mute or unmute the alerts.
Alert Message: This is the text that appears in the alert notification and event feed. You can customize the alert message with variables, such as signal name, value, condition, severity, and so on. You can also use markdown formatting to enhance the message appearance.
Alert Recipients: This is the list of destinations where you want to send the alert notifications. You can choose from various channels, such as email, Slack, PagerDuty, webhook, and so on. You can also specify the notification frequency and suppression settings.

Question No : 6

A customer is experiencing issues getting metrics from a new receiver they have configured in the OpenTelemetry Collector.
How would the customer go about troubleshooting further with the logging exporter?

The correct answer is B. Adding logging into the metrics receiver pipeline.
The logging exporter is a component that allows the OpenTelemetry Collector to send traces, metrics, and logs directly to the console. It can be used to diagnose and troubleshoot issues with telemetry received and processed by the Collector, or to obtain samples for other purposes1
To activate the logging exporter, you need to add it to the pipeline that you want to diagnose. In this case, since you are experiencing issues with a new receiver for metrics, you need to add the logging exporter to the metrics receiver pipeline. This will create a new plot that shows the metrics received by the Collector and any errors or warnings that might occur1
The image that you have sent with your question shows how to add the logging exporter to the metrics receiver pipeline. You can see that the exporters section of the metrics pipeline includes logging as one of the options. This means that the metrics received by any of the receivers listed in the receivers section will be sent to the logging exporter as well as to any other exporters listed2
To learn more about how to use the logging exporter in Splunk Observability Cloud, you can refer to this documentation1.
1: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/opentelemetry/components/logging-exporter.html 2: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/opentelemetry/exposed-endpoints.html

Question No : 7

Which analytic function can be used to discover peak page visits for a site over the last day?

According to the Splunk Observability Cloud documentation1, the maximum function is an analytic function that returns the highest value of a metric or a dimension over a specified time interval. The maximum function can be used as a transformation or an aggregation. A transformation applies the function to each metric time series (MTS) individually, while an aggregation applies the function to all MTS and returns a single value. For example, to discover the peak page visits for a site over the last day, you can use the following SignalFlow code: maximum(24h, counters(“page.visits”))
This will return the highest value of the page.visits counter metric for each MTS over the last 24 hours. You can then use a chart to visualize the results and identify the peak page visits for each MTS.

Question No : 8

Which of the following is optional, but highly recommended to include in a datapoint?

The correct answer is D. Metric type.
A metric type is an optional, but highly recommended field that specifies the kind of measurement that a datapoint represents. For example, a metric type can be gauge, counter, cumulative counter, or histogram. A metric type helps Splunk Observability Cloud to interpret and display the data correctly1
To learn more about how to send metrics to Splunk Observability Cloud, you can refer to this documentation2.
1: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/metrics/metrics.html#Metric-types 2: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/metrics/metrics.html

Question No : 9

Which of the following rollups will display the time delta between a datapoint being sent and a datapoint being received?

According to the Splunk Observability Cloud documentation1, lag is a rollup function that returns the difference between the most recent and the previous data point values seen in the metric time series reporting interval. This can be used to measure the time delta between a data point being sent and a data point being received, as long as the data points have timestamps that reflect their send and receive times. For example, if a data point is sent at 10:00:00 and received at 10:00:05, the lag value for that data point is 5 seconds.

Question No : 10

Where does the Splunk distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector store the configuration files on Linux machines by default?

The correct answer is B. /etc/otel/collector/
According to the web search results, the Splunk distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector stores the configuration files on Linux machines in the /etc/otel/collector/ directory by default. You can verify this by looking at the first result1, which explains how to install the Collector for Linux manually. It also provides the locations of the default configuration file, the agent configuration file, and the gateway configuration file.
To learn more about how to install and configure the Splunk distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector, you can refer to this documentation2.
1: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/opentelemetry/install-linux-manual.html 2: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/opentelemetry.html

Question No : 11

An SRE creates a new detector to receive an alert when server latency is higher than 260 milliseconds. Latency below 260 milliseconds is healthy for their service. The SRE creates a New Detector with a Custom Metrics Alert Rule for latency and sets a Static Threshold alert condition at 260ms.
How can the number of alerts be reduced?

According to the Splunk O11y Cloud Certified Metrics User Track document1, trigger sensitivity is a setting that determines how long a signal must remain above or below a threshold before an alert is triggered. By default, trigger sensitivity is set to Immediate, which means that an alert is triggered as soon as the signal crosses the threshold. This can result in a lot of alerts, especially if the signal fluctuates frequently around the threshold value. To reduce the number of alerts, you can adjust the trigger sensitivity to a longer duration, such as 1 minute, 5 minutes, or 15 minutes. This means that an alert is only triggered if the signal stays above or below the threshold for the specified duration. This can help filter out noise and focus on more persistent issues.

Question No : 12

When writing a detector with a large number of MTS, such as memory. free in a deployment with 30,000 hosts, it is possible to exceed the cap of MTS that can be contained in a single plot.
Which of the choices below would most likely reduce the number of MTS below the plot cap?

The correct answer is B. Add a filter to narrow the scope of the measurement.
A filter is a way to reduce the number of metric time series (MTS) that are displayed on a chart or used in a detector. A filter specifies one or more dimensions and values that the MTS must have in order to be included. For example, if you want to monitor the memory.free metric only for hosts that belong to a certain cluster, you can add a filter like cluster:my-cluster to the plot or detector. This will exclude any MTS that do not have the cluster dimension or have a different value for it1
Adding a filter can help you avoid exceeding the plot cap, which is the maximum number of MTS that can be contained in a single plot. The plot cap is 100,000 by default, but it can be changed by contacting Splunk Support2
To learn more about how to use filters in Splunk Observability Cloud, you can refer to this documentation3.
1: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/metrics/search.html#Filter-metrics2: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/metrics/detectors.html#Plot-cap 3: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/metrics/search.html

Question No : 13

Which of the following are correct ports for the specified components in the OpenTelemetry Collector?

The correct answer is D. gRPC (4317), SignalFx (9080), Fluentd (8006).
According to the web search results, these are the default ports for the corresponding components in the OpenTelemetry Collector. You can verify this by looking at the table of exposed ports and endpoints in the first result1. You can also see the agent and gateway configuration files in the same result for more details.
1: https://docs.splunk.com/observability/gdi/opentelemetry/exposed-endpoints.html

Question No : 14

A customer operates a caching web proxy. They want to calculate the cache hit rate for their service.
What is the best way to achieve this?

According to the Splunk O11y Cloud Certified Metrics User Track document1, percentages and ratios are useful for calculating the proportion of one metric to another, such as cache hits to cache misses, or successful requests to failed requests. You can use the percentage() or ratio() functions in SignalFlow to compute these values and display them in charts. For example, to calculate the cache hit rate for a service, you can use the following SignalFlow code: percentage(counters(“cache.hits”), counters(“cache.misses”))
This will return the percentage of cache hits out of the total number of cache attempts. You can also use the ratio() function to get the same result, but as a decimal value instead of a percentage. ratio(counters(“cache.hits”), counters(“cache.misses”))

Question No : 15

To refine a search for a metric a customer types host: test-*.
What does this filter return?

The correct answer is A. Only metrics with a dimension of host and a value beginning with test-.
This filter returns the metrics that have a host dimension that matches the pattern test-. For example, test-01, test-abc, test-xyz, etc. The asterisk () is a wildcard character that can match any string of characters1
To learn more about how to filter metrics in Splunk Observability Cloud, you can refer to this documentation2.
1: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/metrics/search.html#Filter-metrics
2: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/metrics/search.html

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